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About Us

We are a media company
devoted to the sole purpose
of expanding your brand
reach and getting your
message through to the
right people, in the right
place and at the right time.

We provide an in depth full service in advertising media and monetization solutions for web and mobile advertisers globally. We have cutting edge technology and a team of specialists to service your mission in going global. Quality over quantity - we employ only the brightest minds and keep the core team tight knit. This means we are operative, flexible and with a very fast response rate to ensure your campaigns are always on the right course.

We monetize your traffic. By delivering local expertise on a global scale, we can and will expand your reach into new markets and territories. By bringing you quality advertisers and media buyers from all over the planet, we’ll not only make you think on a continental scale instead of a country scale, but monetize on it as well. Whether your company is a seasoned veteran or an up and coming leading light, a webmaster or a blogger - we will have the best monetizing solution for your website.

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Are You Really Maximizing Your Revenue?
Our ad solutions are designed to maximize performance as the adhit algorithms have been
carefully tried and tested to ensure you get the best results.
Almost 200 countries
covered worldwide
You can be sure that we
monetize every impression
Receive your payments
bi-weekly and always on
multiple formats
ad safety
We provide a vast variety
of web and mobile high
performing ad formats
Get instant to your
detailed statistics and track
your performance in real-time
Our ads are always
brand safe and secure
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on-time payments guaranteed
Drive Real Results Cost-effectively
Our innovative platform will help You make meaningful connections with the right users
at the right time to meet any marketing objectives.
We always make sure that
your compaigns are
optimized from impression
to conversion
We offer advanced targeting solutions
to reach your specific audience from
all types of industries
All Adsterra advertisers are provided
with an opportunity to track ad
campaign performance in real-time for
immediate optimization
multiple formats
Create your brand campaigns using a
wide variety of innovative ad formats
tailored to your set objectives
All campaigns are tested manually by our
quality assurance team
Our multilingual support
staff is available to help
you at any time
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